

1 10-inch head of cabbage
1 3/4 pounds LEAN GROUND CHUCK
1/2 cup uncooked rice
1 medium onion, grated
1 teaspoon dried parsley
1 egg, beaten
1/2 teaspoon salt (optional)
1 28-ounce can crushed tomatoes
1/2 cup granulated brown sugar
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 8-ounce can tomato sauce

Remove tough outer leaves of cabbage. Core, the place it in a large kettle of boiling water. Boil until outside leaves loosen. Lift out leaves with two wooden spoons an drain. Ina bowl, combine meat, rice, onion, parsley, egg, and salt, if desired. Place about 2 tablespoons of the meat mixture in the center of each cabbage leaf, tuck in the sides over the meat and roll up securely. Place close together in a large, deep skillet. Add remaining ingredients and enough water to cover. Cover tightly and cook over medium heat 30 minutes, shaking pan occasionally. Serve or freeze for later use. To reheat, bake in 350 degrees F oven for 20-30 minutes, until brown on top. Makes 24 rolls, allow 2 per serving.


256 calories, 10 gm fat; 16 g. protein; 25 g. carbohydrate; 3.8 mg iron; 184 mg sodium; 37 mg cholesterol


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